Yesterday, the lead article in The Eagle was about Gena and Chuck Norris, Navasota locals, launching their new water bottling company in Navasota, CForce. The article describes how the artesian water source was discovered by accident on the Norris family ranch. More importantly, the article describes how the company will support their non-profit organization, Kickstart Kids. “We’re setting up a legacy, not for our family, but for the foundation…We’re going to be able to give back long after we’re gone. It’s very important to us, because children matter,” said Gena Norris.
This new business is significant for Navasota because it brings new jobs and prosperity to our community, “prestige” as our mayor put it. And while this will be good for our community, I’m more interested in the character of the company – that it supports a greater mission – the kids of our community, state, and nation. That mission is in line with the idea behind NBC – that we hope to achieve something for our community. I think CForce will contribute to our growing NForce.
Incidentally, water is one of three ingredients in beer (the Germans didn’t know about yeast). Navasota Brewing Cooperative has a commitment to use local ingredients where possible. We’ve been using Jacob’s Well water, a reverse-osmosis water company in Bryan, but as we ramp up our volume, the trip will become more and more difficult. I wonder if we can work out a deal with CForce? Then, our water would be REALLY local.